Christian Coaching Career Evaluation

Please answer ALL questions below for an accurate score. If you do not answer all of the questions, your score may be affected. Your evaluation will be scored immediately and your results will be emailed to you within minutes, in most cases.

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I strive for excellence in all I do.

I trust my ability to discern what God wants for me.
I am capable of seeing many solutions to the same problem.
I see failure as a positive way that I can learn from my mistake(s).
I find it easy to motivate others.
I am willing to sacrifice to see the Lord's will done in my life and in the lives of others.
I do not sabotage my own success.
When I have a plan, I always take action to achieve results.
I complete what I start.
I anticipate trends before others do.
I am often asked to take a leadership role.
People consider me a better than average writer and enjoy reading what I write.
I enjoy performing and/or public speaking.
I am always launching new projects.
I do not postpone doing things just because they are difficult.
I see the glass half full, rather than half empty.
I am familiar with the Bible enough that I can generally find relevant, supportive scripture when needed.
I feel called of God to have a role in ministering to others.
I enjoy people.
Others have been seeking my advice for a long time.
My life experience has given me a special compassion and empathy for others in similar situations.
I love to help others and am willing to learn how to do it correctly.
Situations and people do not intimidate me.
I am doing fine and I continually like to grow and read self-help articles, the Word of God and other similar materials.
I am self-aware and spiritually mature.
I stay peaceful even when I am in a stressful situation and others around me are upset.
I am organized.
I manage my time rather than my time managing me.
People listen to my suggestions and generally respond well.
I would be comfortable charging significantly for my services because I am worth it.
I don't have a problem promoting myself.
I know many people and network well.
I have marketing experience or know-how and will easily apply what I know as well as strive to learn specific marketing for Christian life coaches.
I understand that a coaching business or practice will be most financially stable when I create multiple streams of income and I am willing to learn and implement these.
I am willing do do whatever it takes to keep my commitments to God and others.
I can invest $350 per month or more for at least a year for training, certification and operating expenses so my business will flourish.
I already know my niche or specialty.
I am self-motivated and do not rely on others to get me going.
I understand that salvation can not be earned by actions. Rather it is a free gift when I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
I acknowledge that there is only one truth, and that perceptions do not change the truth of a matter. Perceptions only create opinions but the truth remains the same.
If you have not enrolled in a Christian coach training and certification program yet, please tell us why.
If you are currently seeking coach training and certification, please list your 3 top criteria for selecting the course you hope to ultimately choose. Please be as specific as possible, as this will help us as we continually seek to improve and enhance our program offerings.
Once you achieve your basic certification, are you interested in advanced training in coaching, marketing, business or a master level program?
As you review coach training program options, do you prefer one-to-one personalized training, group teleclass format, in person or onsite training or correspondence program with minimal interaction with your trainer?
How did you hear about PCCCA? If you used an Internet search engine, which one did you use?
Have you read the ground-breaking book, "Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook: Essential Guide to Spirit-Led Coaching and Business Success" by Dr. Bush? (If not, you can learn more about it at
What is the highest level of education you have reached to date?
What is your current profession?
If you are researching Christian coach training, when do you prefer to begin training? (Within a week, within two weeks, within the month, within 6 months, sometime this year, other-explain)