God has an even greater plan for you than what you are living today.
Pretty exciting, isn't it? Maybe you've been waiting on His plan to manifest while God has been waiting for you to get ready. Now that you're here, we can help you gain your next level of skills so that God can promote you.
Our priority is honoring God first.
We intentionally avoid integration with secular, organizational oversight, humanistic and new age philosophies because our priority is honoring God first.
Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters ... " Matthew 6:24
Our founder, Dr. Leelo Bush created the Spirit-led, Christian Life Coaching model that is taught here at PCCCA and our credentials are globally-recognized.
Professional Coaching
& Counseling Courses
Learn the professional skills you need to operate as a Christian / Professional Life Coach or Christian Counselor.
Course Bundles For
Tuition Savings & Speed
Save hundreds off your tuition
and progress faster as you design
your own learning path!
Fine Tune with Niche /
Specialty Courses
Elevate the quality of your service
deliverables to your clients when you understand their precise needs and desires.
Power-Up With Business
and Marketing Courses
Learn how to attract the ideal clients to your coaching or counseling practice as well as business best practices.
Financing available
No Interest for 6 months for qualified applicants.
Select CREDIT option at checkout. Got Questions?
Contact Support at
800-280-4662, ext. 1
"PCCCA is an awesome academy of excellence that offers training for those who know they are called to help others. The training has increased my level of excellence personally and has given me the ability to build a successful coaching practice for women."
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Christian Coach Training - Graduate Testimonial
"Becoming a Christian Life Coach created a gateway for speaking life to others with the hope of helping them to recognize their potential and discover the calling upon their lives.
I have researched many certification programs however I knew in my heart that I could not settle for just any program. I desired a course that believes in true transformation, which can only come from having a relationship with God; and this program is designed on that premise.
I'd like to thank Dr. Bush for following the leading of the Holy Spirit, and providing the opportunity for me, to discover my God-given purpose, and the courage to walk-out my unique path."
~ Marilyn Owens, CCLC
Texas, USA
Why Choose PCCCA?
As a student at PCCCA, you will:
· Learn the true Biblical foundation for helping others God's way with Christian coach training that offers practical solutions fitting for today's world. Enjoy authentic Christian coach training for certification
that you will not find elsewhere, because Dr. Bush created this proprietary content.
· Learn to confidently deliver measurable results.
· Feel successful and happy.
· Discover the vision you were hard-wired by God to achieve.
· Finally overcome anything that has held you back personally.
· Develop trust and confidence in yourself.
· Become recognized as a top leader in your niche.
· Continue to grow personally, spiritually and professionally.
· Transition easily and elegantly into the coaching or personal development profession.
· Expand your comfort zone, confidence and influence.
· Reach professional heights you never dreamed was possible.
· Make subtle mindset shifts that allow you to earn what you were worth.
· Develop strategies to map out an ongoing success plan.
· Increase your value to God's kingdom, yourself, clients, employers and your community.
As a result of the above, you will attract God-ordered abundance into your life as you become more attuned to His plan, increasingly more self-aware and highly skilled at delivering your unique message to the world.
The above are just some the results you will achieve with professional PCCCA Christian coach training certification courses and programs.
PCCCA has long been known as the original Christian Coaching Academy.