2019 Preview at PCCCA

“..See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." 
~ Isaiah 43:19

The new year is just around the corner and I wanted to give you a 2019 preview at PCCCA to show you we have some pretty cool, ok AWESOME things in store for you with our CCLC / CPLC training. And the best part is that if you are already enrolled or if you enroll before we launch these new course components, you receive them at no additional tuition. If you have not yet enrolled and are about to, be sure you do it now, so you get the benefit.

2019 preview at pccca - awesome coach alert

I've long believed that the training we offer here at PCCCA is without exception, the most powerful, Spirit-led, actionable, accurate, biblically-based Christian coach training available anywhere. This is probably why our graduates are ever sending those they care about to our courses. There is a good possibility that you were referred to us as well.

Even if you weren't referred to us, I have no doubt that it was in God's divine plan for you to find us and receive training that is after God's own heart. And my goal is for you to become a Christian life coach after God's own heart.

God's word tells us that He orders the steps of the righteous. (Psalm 37:23)

The back story to this is that I had been training coaches for almost 7 years (since the early 2000's) when the main textbook we were using went out of print. The author allowed us to use his manuscript from the original book until the newly revised version became available. Our entire academy waited with great anticipation. 

Important Accreditation Information:

It's critical that every prospective coaching student understands there
is NO REGULATION nor is there a governing body in our coaching industry.
This means there is no government entity or other neutral authority that
oversees our profession.

There are however, some private, secular organizations that are attempting to overtake
this industry by imposing their style of coaching on a group of coaches and schools who have chosen their guidelines and are willing to pay their exorbitant fees.

The good news is, you are FREE to receive coach training from whomever you choose.
Be sure to select the type of training you want, which first and foremost aligns with your faith and worldview.

Put God first in this decision and He will lift you up to help more people
than you can even imagine!

But when the new edition arrived it was not what I wanted to share with our students. I could not base my course on a book that did not give them the entire, uncompromising truth of God's word. In my opinion, the new edition had far too much psychology and secular/humanistic thought in it to be part of our PCCCA curriculum. With so much time invested, what could I do? 

After considerable prayer, God showed me He wanted me to write a book, "the" book that contained what He taught me and would continue to teach me. I have now released the Second Edition of the Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook, on which our Christian Life Coach certification training is based.

Second Edition of Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook by Leelo Bush, PhD .

For decades, God had been testing me about delivering His message to others. From time to time, He would give me a "word" for someone and I knew I had to deliver exactly those words and each time they led to remarkable revelation or transformation. Often the message didn't mean much to me but it might bring tears of joy to the person who received it. The duty to deliver the message was mine, but the results were all God's.

My book was written by listening to God and His inspiration, then transcribing it for you. It was a very humbling experience.

Now that you know how we teach you, what can you look for in early 2019? 

Here is a 2019 Preview at PCCCA:

You may be aware that when you take our Christian life coach certification course, you also qualify to receive the Certified Professional Life Coach designation. You will still receive TWO certifications for taking this one course and we are adding more interactivity and content to this course.

The additional course components will be added in phases until everything is in place. As soon as you see it arrive in your course content, you will immediately have access.

*Additional course content to be added includes:

  • new video training
  • new professional coach training
  • additional business-related training
  • new client attraction training
  • advanced concepts on thought process and brain function (science has now proven ancient Biblical prophesy)
  • greater interactivity, live coaching demonstrations and practicum experiences
  • and more

The training you receive here at PCCCA will equip you to provide others with the most powerful coaching available to mankind and at the same time, your own life will change. I know this because God's word never returns void. Never.

And we will always put God's will and plan for your life first. Always.

What to do next:

If you are ready to begin your coaching journey and enroll, do it today so that you receive all the awesome program enhancements at the current tuition. 

For your convenience, click / tap the button to access the course page. You'll find the reduced tuition and enrollment link near the bottom.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
Colossians 3:23-24 NIV

Got a comment or question?  Leave it near the bottom of this page in the Comments section and I’ll be happy to discuss your question or comment.

*These course additions and enhancements have been moved to 2020 as 2019 has been devoted to unexpectedly caring for Dr. Bush's special needs baby granddaughter. Now that the baby is no longer in crisis, the additions will be forthcoming in 2020.

© 2018 Leelo Bush PhD

Do you feel called to Christian coaching?  I invite you to reach out to us. We're happy to answer your questions either by live chat, that you will find at the bottom right of each page or by emailing our help desk at support@beautifulhelpdesk.com. We love hearing from you and discussing options that will fit your time and budget.

Ready to increase 
your skills and get certified? 
There is no better time than today to begin. 
Enrollment is open now!

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