Spirit-Led Marketing©
course closeout 82% OFF / last 50 copies

Spirit-Led Marketing is designed for coaches, counselors, speakers,
consultants and other Christian solo-preneurs or small business owners who
are tired of feeling confused and frustrated building their
business or ministry and believe
that God has the ideal success formula for us.
He does and you are about to discover what it is
and why it works!
Spirit-Led Marketing© is for you if you are ready to:
Abolish marketing confusion once and for all
Accelerate your business start up or growth
Create your own, custom blueprint for success
Align with God's ideal success formula
Capture the attention of your perfect client or customer
Generate a sustainable income flow from your business
Position yourself as a leader in your market
Develop your plan and put it into action
You likely have learned some marketing basics already. Now let's
create your own, custom blueprint and put it into action.
I can remember back to the early 2000s when I had just completed my coach training and I wanted to accelerate
my practice into high gear. I was so excited to help others, I couldn't wait for clients to line up for appointments with me.
But guess what? I was soon disappointed because I really had no idea how to reach those who needed me.
So I started trying first one thing, then another, some of which worked a little and other things that didn't work at all.
I remember thinking my niche would be retirement coaching since I live in Southwest Florida and this is the Mecca for retirees.
So I created business cards, brochures and sent out press releases. Because I am very experienced and skilled at PR, I even
got some TV interviews. Now, try to guess how many clients contacted me as a result.
Drumroll please-
Ok, enough suspense. Exactly zero. None!
What did I learn from this? Well, I suddenly understood that I would never become successful unless God was in charge
of the plan. (Scripture even tells us, unless the Lord builds the house (or business) they who labor, labor in vain!) I realized that
I wasn't really called to be a retirement coach. It was just my "logical" idea of what should work and make me some money.
Have you felt frustration over how to launch your business?
Are you already in business but growth is painfully slow?
If this describes where you are at, then Spirit-Led Marketing© is for you.
In Spirit-Led Marketing© I will teach you what you need to know about first of all, your mindset. Then I will teach you how to
create your own, custom blueprint that will bring clients to you. I will even teach you how to automate your systems so that
you don't have to work around the clock, keeping this business going.
Now, don't think you can take this training, and then go reinvent the wheel. You need to follow the easy instructions I will give you.
But if you take the steps I will teach you, you will be on your way to creating financial independence and freedom in your lifestyle.
I am 100% certain my system works because I created my own business exactly this way.
I studied industry leaders like T. Harv Eker, Bob Harrison, John Maxwell, Dani Johnson, Robert Kiyosaki, Dan Kennedy, and many others you may or may not have heard of, and their systems have certain things in common, regardless of their specialty. I saw immediately that the foundation of what they did was Biblical, even though they may or may not have acknowledged where their strategies came from. Then God inspired me to create the ultimate marketing system by using a scriptural mindset and applying new marketing strategies, developed since social media became prominent and mobile marketing emerged.
Even better, over the years, after spending thousands of my own dollars to learn how, I have also developed a closely-held
"Rolodex" of technology, automation and service providers, that could take you literally years to discover on your own.
I will include this exclusive contact list as a BONUS in this powerful course.
You will learn:
How to write for credibility and to attract clients
An easy formula for writing and publishing an ebook or a physical book
How to create an email list of those who are hungry for what you offer
How to publish a newsletter or ezine
How to promote your business FREE without buying advertising
How to do article marketing
How to put on a teleseminar
How to make BIG money and grow your business with joint ventures (JVs)
How to earn big money by hosting VIP days
How to write great copy for your website
"Million Dollar" Resources and Contacts for technology, automation and service providers!
(This BONUS might save you years!)
How to earn great income on the web until you develop products of your own
And 10 more specific success strategies!
You will be able to avoid all the noise and nonsense that will take you years of experimenting only to increase your frustration
and get it right the first time.
The value of this program is immeasurable, when you consider the time you will save and the potential income you would
lose by learning from your own mistakes. Let's face it, if it were so obvious, every one of us would be rich, thin and successful.
But sadly, most training appeals to your desire to help others without ever telling you how to reach those who need you most.
The truth is that mastery is 50% but it will never make you successful, unless you add the other 50% which is your own,
custom marketing blueprint.
I understand how scary it can be to start and grow your business. I have been where you are today. I had no idea what to do
and I didn't even have a mentor to show me. If ONLY someone would have taken my hand and showed me the fast track to
getting it right the first time so that I could stop wasting time and start making money. It would have saved me thousands of
dollars and countless hours where I stayed awake, studying one more strategy that didn't work for me.

When you register for my Spirit-Led Marketing course, you will receive:
4 AUDIOS with me, Dr. Bush, guiding you through my Spirit-Led Marketing© system so you can create your own, custom marketing blueprint. (Each of my training calls will be 60-90 minutes long, and I have recorded them for you, so you can listen when it fits your schedule!)
A Q&A CALL on which I have answered questions from participants!
MODULE WORKSHEETS for each call, including your "Spirit-Led Marketing© Blueprint" to help you follow along and
develop your own plan.
DOWNLOADABLE MP3 RECORDINGS of all calls, so you may listen to them at your convenience, on your computer, iPod, in your car or with any other MP3 player.
TRANSCRIPTS OF CALLS so you can refer to them as needed and easily find the important points you heard on the calls.
DOWNLOADABLE BINDER COVER GRAPHICS so you can create your own Spirit-Led Marketing© binder at home and
keep all your training materials organized for future reference.
This program is a bargain compared to hiring a marketing or public relations firm to consult with you at the going rate
of $2-300 an hour. Instead, you will be able to create your own, custom blueprint so you know exactly what to do, how to do it and in which order to do it.
What you will learn is tried and true. I have used it myself and I continue to use it. If you even learn one strategy that
allows you to accelerate your earning potential and consequently bless others in greater ways, it will be worth it.
Stop struggling and let's take this journey together. I will show you how to create your own custom blueprint, which you can follow so you know exactly what to do. The one skill every business person needs, no matter what type of business they have, is the right marketing. With it, you will succeed. Without it, no matter how skilled you are, you will never reach your potential.
Please consider that ... the blessings you receive are not exclusively for you. God gave you your gifts and talents so that you could bless others. You owe it to them (and to our Father), to share them. And God wants His blessings to flow "through" you, "to" others. Spirit-Led Marketing© will show you how, in detail.
You and I both know that if we keep doing what we are doing, we will keep getting the same results. If you don't like your results, it's time for a change.
Enroll in Spirit-Led Marketing©
for just the reasonable one-time investment of $547 USD. Now only $97 (82% OFF)
This is an INSTANT ACCESS, digitally downloadable program.
Just click on the secure order link below, to get INSTANT ACCESS to the "Spirit-Led Marketing©" course right away!
The only way things will change for you is if you take action. God can direct you in miraculous, powerful ways as soon as you get moving. He
has a great plan for you (Jer. 29:11) but He won't force you to operate in your gifts if you aren't courageous in taking your next step.
Let me save you years of frustration with Spirit-Led Marketing©, and you can create your own, custom marketing blueprint. Follow the instructions in this program and you will LOVE your results.
82% off
$547 USD nOW $97.00 USD
P.S. IS THIS PURCHASE TAX DEDUCTIBLE? Your Spirit-Led Marketing© training is likely considered professional development for your business, so make sure to consult with your tax professional about how you can deduct the cost of this course from your next tax return.
**The tuition has been reduced by 82% because a couple sections are out of date. Much of the program is accurate and viable but because we are no longer focusing on marketing training, we are closing this course for good. Why are we limiting sales to 50 at this price? Because we support every student we train and we can only accommodate a small number before closing this program.
* This guarantee may only be redeemed once per program purchased and does not apply to the second or replacement item. Credit can not be applied to previously purchased courses, products or services.
Legal Disclaimer:
Every effort has been made to accurately represent the Spirit-Led Marketing(c) program and its potential. Each individual student's or participant's success depends ultimately on his or her background, dedication, desire, ability, faith and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Any testimonials and examples used have been posted to demonstrate exceptional results. These do not necessarily apply to the average student or product purchaser. These are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.