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Chaos and Fear Survival Guide by Leelo Bush PhD

“Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to
their ancestors to give them.” ~ Joshua 1:6

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“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” ~ John 14:27

Stop The Suffering From Fear, Chaos and Loss 

I believe in a proactive, early response to the needs of our community and beyond. To this end, I have created the Chaos and Fear Survival Guide (free digital download) to help you and those you care about, manage your thoughts, emotions and your mental health when you have circumstances that cause you fear and anxiety.

This is my area of expertise. It is my honor and privilege to share this with you so that you can be helped and supported during and after the pandemic. I want you to know that we are with you prayerfully and tangibly.  We are here for you.

COACHES, COUNSELORS and MINISTRY LEADERS: If you are a Christian, biblically-based life coach, counselor or ministry leader, now is your time to take the lead in supporting others. This information will help you. It is practical yet scripture and science-based. I know that it's solid and it works.  If you feel called to help others with what you learn here and are willing do donate some time to coach or counsel others, please notify our help desk with your contact details at so that we can share your information with anyone who requests assistance.

If you are new to neuroscience, the study of how our miraculous brain works, then this will give you a great starting point to learn more. 

I invite you to share this guide with anyone and everyone you think it can help. If you are a coach or counselor, feel free to use it as is with your clients or patients. It's a FREE resource. I hope and pray you find it helpful.

What's inside the survival guide?

(1)  Why now is your time to lead.

(2)  Learn how your thoughts drive your fearful emotions so that you can reverse the process.

(3)  Arm yourself with facts and skills to better help others.

(4)  How to take your thoughts captive so that you control what enters your mind.

(5)  Rewire your brain to stop seeking frightening news.

(6)  Stop discomfort and pain from turning into suffering.

(7)  Exercises and action steps you can take immediately to heal your mind and regain peace.

(8)  Powerful scripture references.

(9)  And, resources to learn more!

The contents of my Chaos and Fear Survival Guide is based on my studies over this past decade and contains some of my best, actionable content. I am putting it into an easy to digest format so you get only what you need without a lot of complicated science. Most importantly, you will receive powerful scriptures to help support your prayer life.

Over the years this transformational training is something I became truly passionate about. Through several, tragic life circumstances, I discovered how much I personally needed this information because it changed my life and I still use it today. Over a decade ago, these timeless guideposts laid the foundation for me to create the Joy Restoration/ Christian Grief Coach certification program at PCCCA, which later grew into Grief Coach University.

Now is our time to lead. To do this effectively we need to become equipped for such a time as this. We need to understand how to reframe uncomfortable thoughts and manage our own feelings to better support those who need us. Our words have power and we must speak life and health into the lives of others.

REMEMBER: God doesn’t just feed one person. He feeds everyone.  When God gives us gold, and this guide is gold, He wants us to share it so that as His ambassadors, our lives can be a living testimony to His goodness, grace, mercy and power.  I strive to live this and share it, and I encourage you to do the same.

Love and blessings,

Leelo Bush, PhD.

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