Spring Cleaning Our Thoughts
and Emotions
After the past 12 months, many of are living in a sort of “mental mess”. When lives have continuing uncertainty or chaos, often this is reflected in our mind and surroundings in response to the world. There is no better time than now, just a couple days into spring, to assess where we are and do some spring cleaning, ok?
"In order to operate at your best on a daily basis and set a good example for your clients, life coaches should always lead by example. What you do and how you choose to do it will determine if your clients view you as reliable and trustworthy.
You should always aim to set a clear example for your clients to follow. We’ve all heard that old saying “you are what you think” and it’s true. Your thoughts are powerful enough to create your reality, meaning that the thoughts you choose to entertain will undoubtedly manifest themselves in your day-to-day life.
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” ~ Proverbs 23:7 NKJV
The secret to maintaining peace and joy is mastering your thoughts and getting your thought life in order, much like you would do when spring cleaning in your home.
Spring is about starting fresh and experiencing a sense of renewal mentally and emotionally. Additionally, as a society that is drowning in stuff, many clients are looking for ways to simplify their lives.
Not only can you declutter the physical space around you but your mental space as well. Spring cleaning the mind is a great way of enhancing your mental health and wellbeing. When you spring clean your mind, you are making space to think, resulting in increased clarity, a sense of peace and calm, and the ability to turn off intrusive thoughts and negative mind chatter.
Your Environment Is An Indicator of Thought Life
The environment that you surround yourself with is a direct reflection of your state of mind. Your physical environment can influence your thoughts and behavior as well as your level of motivation. This process works in the opposite direction as well; your state of mind can also influence your environment.
For example, people whose thoughts are distracted tend to lose or misplace items more often. If your thoughts are disorganized, you’ll notice that you have piles of stuff scattered around the house. Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your thoughts, your emails will start to pile up as you distance yourself from anything that overwhelms you?
We are sensitive to our environment and are dependent on feeling safe and secure in order to thrive and live life to its fullest. When we are uncertain about our future, experience fear and chaos, we’re not able to function as well as we might like and ordinary tasks may be overlooked because we are focused on what our brain thinks is more critical.
The environment that you live in can either increase or decrease your stress levels, which will impact your physiology in many ways. The way your home looks and feels, is a reflection of the relationship that you have with your thoughts, behaviors, and choices.
Creating a soothing home environment will increase your productivity, effectiveness, and motivation. Likewise, choosing to focus on positive thoughts will manifest itself in an environment that is filled with optimism and gratitude.
“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”
~ Philippians 4:8 NKJV
How our thoughts affect emotions
Thoughts have no power until you start to pay attention to them. Once you begin to engage with them or focus on specific thoughts that come to mind, you will start to feel emotions that are associated with these thoughts. These emotions directly influence how you act and behave.
For example, if you regularly pay attention to negative thoughts that tell you you’re a complete and utter failure, you will begin to feel depressed, worthless, and discouraged. These negative feelings will impact your behavior and make you less outgoing and reluctant to try new things. Your body language may reflect these negative thoughts and emotions as you project a lack of confidence.
Yet when you train yourself to focus on thoughts that are positive and empowering, you build your resilience for coping emotionally with a wide variety of circumstances. These positive thoughts lead to positive emotions that will broaden your awareness and allow you to see more options when problem-solving.
You will notice that your confidence level skyrockets which leads to feeling more positive emotions. These positive feelings will be evident in your body language and energy levels. Thinking happy thoughts will also increase happy chemicals in your brain, called serotonin, which leads to feelings of calm and emotional stability."
You’ve just read an excerpt from the bonus: Managing Your Mind, Thoughts and Emotions lesson in Module 8 – Thinking Clearly (to be added March, 2021). When you download this new lesson in the CCLC/CPLC course, you will also learn how to manage mental clutter, clear out unhelpful thoughts and participate in a thought organizing exercise.
© 2021 Leelo Bush PhD. All rights reserved.