Make Your Services Affordable With Coaching Groups

If you've put off starting or growing your practice because you don’t know a lot of people who can afford coaching services, I have some solutions for you today that work in any niche or
specialty of coaching and any type of coaching groups, in person or virtual.

Now that many meetings are done on Zoom and similar platforms, these skills are a must-have.
Engagement can be more challenging with your group participants in different locations with distractions in their own environment. So you need to be at the top of your game. Agree?

The tips can work for counseling also, so please stay with me.

In today's post, I'm going to give you some very specific questions to ask your prospects and effective options that will help you create coaching groups in any area.

These solutions create a win-win for everyone. PLUS it will help you create additional income in times of uncertainty.

The real reason coaching may not feel affordable is because the prospective client does not yet see the true value in what they will receive. You will have to determine whether that is because they don’t understand coaching or is it because you have not been specific enough with the solutions you provide?

First, you need to determine if your prospective client is really ready to invest in your services. To do that you will need to ask some exploratory questions.

Here are some examples:

· What is your current situation costing you right now?

· If you don’t fix this problem, what will the consequences be?

· Is this one of your top priorities?

You will then need to discover whether the prospective client truly "owns" their problem.

· Are you responsible for solving this?

· Who needs to authorize the coaching expenditure to fix this issue?

Does your prospective client have a healthy dissatisfaction with their current situation?

· Is this a minor matter or is it something you are completely fed up with?

· What have you tried thus far and how effective has it been?

· Why do you think NOW is the time to invest in this solution?

Does your prospective client trust you and believe your services are the best answer they have?

coaching services - value proposition

· What other type of solutions are you looking at right now?

· How do you feel about the approach we would take together?

If the only barrier between you and your client is affordability, you have some options.

1 – You can create a local group coaching program around your solution. The usual rule of thumb is that you have to have a huge client list to start a group and that doesn’t have to be the case.

I know of many coaches with a very small list (Under 100 subscribers) who started groups. In fact, the groups were integral in helping to build their one-to-one client list. As the group worked together and members were getting results, it became clear that the coach was able to bring about significant benefits. This inspired other group members to hire the coach for one-to-one work.

2 – Start a social media group around the solution you provide and when members see the results others are getting, they will gain confidence in you as well.

The best way to do this is to create a membership website around the solutions offered and offer the basic membership very affordably. If you have been working in this specific area, there are probably documents and articles you can re-purpose and add to your group to increase your content.

3 – Use Facebook ads to enroll members into your online group. Facebook ads are still the most affordable way to reach a highly-segmented, specific audience.

Take Your Coaching Groups To Businesses

What if you’d like to coach businesses but beyond coaching C-suite execs, they don’t yet see the value to add coaching?  After all, isn’t there a lot of personal development information available for free on the web?

Here are some reasons coaching should be considered:

· Coaching can improve an employee’s performance.

· You can create webinars for groups of employees to bring valuable lessons to life. Be sure to record each lesson so that you can use it in the future.

· Within your group, the members will create a community for support and a safe space to share thoughts and their ideas. Members will want to keep the group going!

· When a group member chooses to invest in themselves and their own personal growth, other areas of their life begin to improve as well.

In your groups, make sure you address some basic tools to help members. These include skills for thinking, communication tools, methods of problem solving and making decisions.

Group Coaching Facilitator certification course

If you would like to gain new clients and grow your coaching practice, I will teach you exactly how to create groups that are superbly engaged and empowering,

To do this, I have created a new program entitled the Group Coaching Facilitator Certification Course.

Get all the details HERE.

I hope you find this post helpful as you consider your growth strategies. Our readers and I would love to hear from you.  If you have found some great solutions, please comment below.

© Leelo Bush PhD, All rights reserved.


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Leelo Bush Ph.D.

You have Leelo's permission as long as you include the complete copyright statement below:

“Leelo Bush, PhD is recognized globally as a Christian Coach training curriculum creator, speaker, show host and innovator as well as a marketplace ministry and training expert. Discover your hidden potential with her FREE 5-Minute Success Predictor Quiz at"

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