top Christian Coaching trends for 2021 and beyond
In this post, we're talking about Christian coaching trends for 2021 and years to come. There's no denying that Christian coaching is booming and our industry growth is extraordinary. Our clients are becoming ever more sophisticated and the truth is, they are willing to pay you for your great skills and results. Coaching is all about results, right?
This is the best time ever to start and/or grow your own coaching practice. Things are changing quickly so today to achieve success, you need to be a constant, lifelong learner. This is why we are now constantly updating our Christian Professional Life Coach training and certification program.
Today I'll give you some of the top current trends for the coaching profession, Christian coaching to be specific. But what does this really mean to you?
For starters, it means that ultimately, only well-trained coaches will survive and thrive.
It also means that Christian coaches will need training in the heart-mind connection that the Bible mentions innumerable times. God's plan is for us to become wise managers of our thoughts, which create our emotions. Then our emotions fuel our actions that eventually bring about results. We can choose our thoughts and coaches must understand how this works, for their work to be most transformative.
Competence with the Internet and virtual environment will be a must. Because of all the restrictions and social distancing, much of which is still in place as of this writing, having skills with connecting in alternative ways will be key.
Let's face it, there are a LOT of coaches. And with so many choices, your prospective clients will expect excellence from you and a transformational experience based on your knowledge of their special needs.
In order to harness the points above continued learning will become more important than ever.
Let’s look at some top Christian coaching trends.
1. Social media marketing will continue to be the main vehicle for building your business
2. Clients will continue to prefer video marketing. Our prospective clients would rather watch your message than read it.
3. Simplification. Make your processes more simple and clear. Complexity in any process slows down progress. Don’t waste time on unnecessary matters. This is after all a principle of coaching.
4. Automation. In 2021 we’ll experience an increase in the use of effective resources and tools. Not only will the right tools save you time but they will save you a lot of money. Also consider delegating repetitive tasks to your support team, virtual assistant or a freelancer.
5. Online training and virtual coaching sessions are both trending in a big way. Along with this, in-person coaching sessions are gradually being used less and less with phone and virtual coaching taking the lead, even in business and corporate environments.
6. Having a coach will become the norm rather than exception. These days it's hard to find anyone who doesn't need help with relieving stress, overcoming losses and arriving at the awareness and clarity needed to solve their own, unique problems.
7. Coaching will become a necessity. People in all walks of life will acknowledge that they are confronted with difficult challenges that they're not prepared to solve by themselves. God has called you to help them. He has placed you here, at such a time as this, for the manifestation of the special gifts inside you.
We have seen an unfortunate decline in church membership and active participation. There are many reasons for this and I could write a whole blog post just on that topic. But for now, I'll just say the true church is the body of Christ, not a building or organization ... and God has a plan. He is doing a new thing. It won't look as it has in the past and you need to be ready. Have great confidence that YOU as a Christian coach are needed more than ever as the population trends toward more of what I'll call marketplace ministry-type relationships.
Marketplace ministry is not a particularly new concept. We have been aware of this for many years. If the topic interests you, I recommend the book, God @ Work by Rich Marshall.
For many of your clients, you may become their "personal pastor". So you must continue to equip yourself with the true Word of God. You must have great discernment. You can't allow yourself to be blown this way and that by the turbulent winds of the enemy. I encourage you to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit as never before, so that you can be there for God to promote and use according to His timing and plan.
8. Results will trump process every time. Bear in mind that your clients do not pay you for your process but rather for the transformation you make possible in their lives. Each of your marketing efforts should mention your results-based methods.
9. Generalist coaches will struggle with being taken seriously. We are facing increasingly more complex problems and this means that only niche-specialized coaches are going to be able to help solve them. So become (or remain) specialized!
10. Finally, ask the right questions. I understand that for some of you reading this, the challenges of the future may at first seem insurmountable. But that will not be the case if you ask the right questions.
a. "How can I ____?" Never say that you can't do something. Rather ask HOW it can be done. Just know that if something can be done at all, you can find a way.
b. "Who can help with ______?" It's impossible to know everything. All of us need help so we just need to isolate the challenge and find the right person. It might be a freelancer, a virtual assistant, an intern or volunteer.
Everything can be figured out. Just take a deep breath, pray for God to reveal His plan for you ... and focus on asking then answering the right questions.
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