Do You Dabble at Life and Business? Learn Something New.
Sandy knew she wanted a change but wasn’t sure what it would look like. She was restless and knew there had to be more to life. She also believed God had a great plan for her … that would be revealed one day. But she was getting impatient and no longer wanted the same thing, day after day. It was time to learn something new.
Sandy was ready to experience transformation in her life. So, she began dabbling in many different things. First, she tried meditation, thinking it would help her focus and gain clarity about her future. After a few sessions of not finding answers, she gave up on it.
Then Sandy’s friend recommended she read a book about organizing her home. Sandy became inspired by the author’s ideas and began the process of simplification, getting rid of extra things around her house. Her goal was to purge her home and make it tidy. But after a few days, Sandy decided the job was too big and became overwhelmed. She stopped before she could experience any real progress.
Maybe you have a coaching client like Sandy or maybe you, yourself can relate to her. It’s springtime and you’re looking to make a change in your life but you’re not sure where to start.
So instead of getting clear about what your next step should be, you keep trying new things. The problem is that you dabble in each activity for a week or two but before seeing results, you move on to something new. You’re stumped … why do you keep doing this and how can you embrace a real transformation?
Fear of Failure
Some people start new things and quit pretty easily. It’s not that you don’t want success (you do!), but you’re afraid. Maybe you convinced yourself you quit the activity or hobby simply because you decided it wasn’t the right thing.
But many times, quitting before you start seeing results is a way of avoiding failure. After all, you’ll feel disappointed in yourself if you don’t reach your goal. You also worry that your family and friends will be disappointed in you, too.
What to do? Don’t make your new adventure about failing or succeeding. Instead, focus on experiencing the process and learning as you go. Maybe you’ll discover you have a talent you never recognized. Maybe you’ll learn something about your personality that helps you in your business.
In the excitement of trying something new, you may sign up for an activity thinking you’ll absolutely love it. The problem is after a week or two, the initial excitement wears off. You’re left bored and wondering what to do.
Before you quit though, give yourself some time. It takes time to master new skills and develop new abilities. As a baby, you learned how to walk by trying over and over again. It’s the same with riding a bicycle or trying anything else that’s new to you. Give yourself the time and permission to make a few mistakes.
Fear of Change
Sometimes, it’s tempting to quit a new thing because being successful would mean change. Change is challenging and awkward. It stretches you out of your comfort zone. You question yourself and your abilities. You wonder if this new thing is really right for you.
The doubts and the fears and the frustrations—it’s all normal when you’re in the middle of growing yourself. Don’t give into the temptation to hide out on your couch just because it’s hard right now. Some of the best and most exciting adventures of your life are waiting for you…if only you’ll dare to discover them.
Learn Something New!
Sandy never imagined she would get excited about “going back to school” but this is now part of her new normal. Every day she looks for something she can learn. It may be something small and seemingly insignificant, but even small details can have a beneficial impact on our lives.
Her favorite classes involve understanding human behavior. “I have always loved observing life and what makes different people tick. Then I took it one step further,” said Sandy. “Why not learn how to help them live better, happier lives? Life coaching was perfect for that. When I learned more about others, I discovered things that helped me in my own life.”
“I took courses from several schools before PCCCA,” Sandy explained. “Once I arrived here, I knew I was home. It was important to me that the class I take be grounded in God’s word. Here you know that if Dr. Bush created the curriculum, it can be trusted to agree with God’s word and be rich in practical content.”
“So many times we are searching for something and discover it was right here all along. I have learned how to help others realize their purpose in life and with each class I take, I am able to help more and more people,” said Sandy. “We will see where God takes me on this journey of self-discovery … but for now I am happy that my life has a rich purpose. I saw that once I was willing to expand my abilities, God began to use me in new ways and each day my life has a new excitement to it.”
How About You?
Are you looking for change or transformation in your life? Why not take a Christian coaching or counseling certification course here at PCCCA to experience your own transformation? This is the perfect time to begin. We have open enrollment and you can begin the course of your choice today, right after you enroll. If you start now, you can get certified before Summer! You will find a list of courses HERE.
Got questions? Just send us a support request from our Contact page at
If you have overcome some delegation challenges of your own, I would love to hear from you. Please post your comments at the bottom of this page.
© 2017 by Leelo Bush, Ph.D., All rights reserved.
Want to get certified as a coach or counselor?
There are many professional certifications to choose from.
Thousands of students will confirm that you are in the perfect place to get the training you need to help your clients as well as learn how to reach those who God has led you to help.
Many of our courses offer dual certifications. One certification is for your use in the Christian / ministry world and the other is for your use in the secular world. PCCCA has you covered no matter where you feel led to work!
You will find the courses currently available listed at Yes, when you take one course, you receive both of the certifications. This way you have a credential that will be recognized wherever you have an opportunity to work, whether it is a business or church/ministry type of setting.
Course Bundles: Now we also have course bundles to help you save on tuition. These are courses that are typically purchased together. You can find them at:
Just click the button above to select your course, enroll and begin today. Why not get certified before the end of the year so you can begin your practice in January?
PS You may be wondering why many of our students pay for their courses in full. The reason is that when you do, you can request FULL access to your course so you can do it at your own pace, as quickly as you like. Otherwise you may have to wait a week to a month for your next module, depending on the course. Most students are excited to get prepared to serve their clients.