Christian Coach Training: Online, Guided Course Format in our exclusive Training Center

Become a Certified Christian Life Coach - CCLC
Certified Professional Life Coach - CPLC
Receive BOTH certifications when you complete this course!
PCCCA is an awesome academy of excellence that offers training for those who know they are called to help others. The training has increased my level of excellence personally and has given me the ability to build a successful coaching practice for women."
Online Course Platform - Begin Today!
Curriculum Created and Taught by Dr. Leelo Bush
If you are a Christian and deeply desire to learn coaching God's way, please pay attention to what you read here: As the originator of Spirit-led Christian coaching and Christian Coaching 2.0©, Dr. Bush invites you to be trained by her, personally.
Because she understands that your time and financial resources may be limited, she has created an online training system at to drastically reduce tuition because of the high level of automation that is now available! Payment plans are available. Tuition can be found at the bottom of this page.
This is a complete, highly comprehensive program. Now available at our online learning platform, we present the most current, relevant Christian coach training to you in an easily consumable format.
Here is what your training will include:
1. 12 audio modules (taught by Dr. Leelo Bush, of Christian Coach 2.0© - the NEW Generation of Christian Coach training (ICE Accredited)
2. Corresponding study guides for modules.
3. Practicum Guide
4. 12 downloadable MP3 recordings of the audios. (Now you can participate regardless of your schedule!)
5. Instantly downloadable, in-depth training modules (for each session) - includes contents from hundreds of textbook / manual pages
6. SUPER 5-STAR SUPPORT - phone and email
7. Optional one-to-one mentoring (additional fee)
8. DONE-FOR-YOU Professional Christian Coaching Practice Forms, Evaluations and more. ($495+ Value!)
9. Post graduation, ongoing support and training opportunities from the academy and Dr. Bush.
10. And Dr. Bush, as your trainer!
The Certified Christian Life Coach (CCLC) program is comprised of the following 7 facets:
1. Twelve 1-hour (approx) Audio training sessions with Dr. Bush.
2. Reading assignments: Prior to each session there will be required reading, which will primarily be from the manual that is largely based on my textbook,
Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook: Essential Guide to Spirit-Led Coaching and Business Success, with resources and forms for use in your practice as well as business, marketing and technology / automation resources.
3. Personal / professional coaching (with optional mentor @ addt'l fee) and experiential application of concepts.
4. Assignments, open-book exercises and examinations.
5. Practicum, where the student will coach others
6. Certification Application.
7. Certification Examination.
The program contents is based on the ground-breaking
Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook: Essential Guide to Spirit-Led Coaching and Business Success, which is rooted in scripture from the
Holy Bible.
NOTE: You are encouraged to use your favorite Bible translation to support your studies!
Topics Include:
1. Journey Through The Narrow Gate (excellence)
2. Biblical Coaching Foundation
3. Coaching Basics
4. Internal Changes For The Coach
5. Avoiding Detours To Your Destiny
6. Successful Coaches and Training
7. Faith & Scripture For Coaching
8. Coachable or Uncoachable?
9. Ten Christian Coaching Proficiencies
10. Coaching Systems, Methods & Models
11. Values-Based Life Design
12. Purposeful Passion and Finding Yours
13. Developing Clear Vision & Mission
14. Dealing With Change
15. Overcoming Obstacles
16. Necessary Listening Skills
17. Anatomy of Coaching Sessions
18. Ethics, Accountability & Best Practices
19. Professional Growth
Module 1 - Introduction to Christian Coaching
Includes Module 1 & Study Guide
"And yet I show you a more excellent way." I Corinthians 12:31
1. Define key characteristics and qualities of a Christian coach.
2. Be able to articulate the difference between success and excellence.
3. Understand the differences between Christian, Christian-track, apostate, compromised, secular, and new-age coaching.
4. Understand the difference between coaching and counseling.
5. Understand and personalize the "Essential Qualities of Leadership" as defined in
Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders.
Module 2 - Profile of a Christian Coach
Includes Module 2 & Study Guide
"I have set for you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you. No servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him." John 3:15-16 (NIV)
1. Understand the characteristics and attributes of a successful Christian coach.
2. Be willing to commit to business excellence as a requirement for setting up and maintaining a successful practice.
3. Identify the type of Christian coaching to which the student seems to be called.
4. Appreciate the importance of self-care in relationship to effective coaching.
5. Understand the importance of investing in personal and professional development as a coach.
Module 3 - Call-Centered Living and Coaching
Includes Module 3 & Study Guide
"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
1. Understand the Christian concept of a call on one's life.
2. Gain deeper understanding of God's personal and unique call for the student.
3. Become knowledgeable about common barriers to call fulfillment and strategies for overcoming them.
4. Learn and apply techniques for faithful fulfillment of the call.
5. Understand and be able to write SMART goals
Module 4 - Spiritual Foundation for Christian Coaching
Includes Module 4 & Study Guide
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33
1. Understand the foundation of beliefs upon which authentic Christian life coaching is based.
2. Challenge the student to see a bigger personal God.
3. Understand and acknowledge the attributes of the Holy Spirit in Christian coaching.
4. Consider and comprehend the importance of a worldview in Christian coaching.
5. Internalize and commit to memory the promises in God's Word relative to our identity in Christ.
Module 5 - Coachable or Uncoachable, Change Management
Includes Module 5 & Study Guide
"Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:18-19a
1. Be able to articulate the three criteria for successful coaching.
2. Recognize the characteristics of coachable and uncoachable clients.
3. Know the signs of a coaching client who needs to be referred for counseling and how to make the referral properly.
4. Understand and recognize common reactions to change and become knowledgeable about helping people through transitions.
5. Examine the concepts of change from a Christian perspective, and be able to articulate a faith-based approach to change management.
Module 6 - Christian Coaching Proficiencies & Methods
Includes Module 6 & Study Guide
"Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives." Titus 3:14
1. Understand each of the ten Christian coaching proficiencies, identify strategies for implementation.
2. Understand and be able to articulate the F-L-O-W coaching method.
3. Become aware of other coaching methods used in both secular and Christian coaching
4. Become knowledgeable about group coaching methods.
5. Understand the relationship between faith and fear, and how Christian coaches
can respond to leading of the Holy Spirit without fear.
Module 7 - Life Design: Identifying Values and Passion
Includes Module 7 & Study Guide
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
1. Understand and articulate the importance of living lives congruent with values.
2. Be able to identify the symptoms of someone living outside his or her value system.
3. Become more self-aware of personal values and integrate them into planning and life design.
4. Understand the relationship between passion and motivation.
5. Understand common passion-busters and strategies to help clients avoid them.
Module 8 - Vision and Mission Statements
Includes Module 8 & Study Guide
"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3
1. Commit to memory and learn practical application of the words of Jesus as stated in the Great Commission.
2. Understand the importance of vision as it relates to living intentionally in God's will.
3. Be able to articulate the difference between a vision and a mission.
4. Write a personal vision statement that is easy for you to remember and repeat when
opportunities are presented.
5. Write a mission statement, commit it to memory, and take measureable steps toward fulfillment of a God-ordained vision.
Module 9 - Ask, Listen, Overcome
Includes Module 9 & Study Guide
"He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him." Proverbs 18:13
1. To understand the importance of, and how to ask thought-provoking, open-ended questions in the coaching process.
2. To become aware of common barriers to effective listening and the solutions to overcoming them.
3. To learn how to listen for the unspoken concerns of a client.
4. To understand the benefit of celebration in helping people progress toward achievement of their goals.
5. To understand how to help others overcome obstacles in the coaching process.
Module 10 - Practicum Preparation
Includes Module 10 & Study Guide
"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17
1. To thoroughly prepare the student for a successful practicum experience.
2. To help the student understand the ethical responsibilities of coaching.
3. To help the student apply the lessons of previous modules to the practicum experience.
4. To provide the student with resources needed to establish a professional relationship with the
5. To ensure the student is ready to work one-on-one with a practicum supervisor.
Module 11 - Your Practicum
Includes Module 11 & Practicum Guide
You will be required to coach at least two individuals for a minimum of four one-hour coaching sessions each. These are real life coaching experiences. You may do your practicum for free, charge a fee for your services, work pro bono or for donation. The choice is yours.
Module 12 - Discerning Your Next Steps
Includes Module 12 & Study Guide
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
1. To help the student decide on the next steps God wants them to take.
2. To provoke the student to consider establishing a professional coaching practice.
3. To determine the niche for which the student is best equipped to serve.
4. To stimulate a passion for lifelong, continuing learning about the coaching profession.
5. To encourage the student to continually explore God's plan for his or her life regardless of whether or not a practice is established.
Certification Process: (Complete Instructions are found in Module 12)
1. In Module 12, click to add CERTIFICATION to your cart. ($160 processing fee). This is charged separately because not everyone who takes the course, desires to get certified.
2. Take the online certification examination (50 true-false questions)
3. Send application for certification with your completed assignments and practicum surveys
If you have any questions, please phone the academy toll free at 800-280-4662, extension 1 if calling from within the US or 239-471-2806, extension 1, if calling Internationally.
Monday to Thursday, 9-5 and Friday, 9 - Noon
Eastern (New York) Time - EXCEPT HOLIDAYS.
Begin training today at our online course platform!
Click the button above to begin enrollment process!
* CPLC - Certified Professional Life Coach was added in 2015 to enhance our graduate's professional opportunities outside the church or ministry environment. Previous graduates may order their CPLC certificate from the Academy contact page.
** All payment plans are automated to reduce your tuition. If your payment fails, there may be a fee to restore your course access and account.
**** Paid enrollment does not guarantee certification. The student must complete the course satisfactorily to qualify.
Hear From
our Graduates
"I have been amazed at how God has made each class and module pertinent to what is going on in my life at the moment.
It seems He has tailor-made this course for me personally ... I am loving this course ... May God bless you and this academy as you continue in the ministry of teaching and encouragement."
"I am so grateful for your program on Christian Life Coaching and have thoroughly enjoyed my teleclasses. The study guides have really caused me to grow in more ways than one. Thank you for giving us such great tools to propel ourselves and others to new levels of abundant life!"
"Just a quick note to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed the telecast. It was worth every penny and I am so glad that I am in the class!"
by Leelo Bush