
Category Archives for "Advanced Training"

8 Quick Coaching Success Tips

A coach certification program may take a few months to complete. However, to truly master coaching can take years. That doesn’t mean that your coaching isn’t valuable in the meantime. Rather that you must commit to lifelong learning if you truly want to master coaching. When you first begin, you only need to be a step […]

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5 Tips To Get Started With Anything

Can anyone change their life?  Yes! It is absolutely possible for anyone to improve their life but the main challenge is with the difficulty to get started. Some of us look at the challenge ahead and we become exhausted before we even start out.  Anyone can start over. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a […]

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Four Major Announcements

I am excited to share these four, major announcements with you as a student, graduate or friend of this academy. Here they are in random order. #1 PCCCA is now part of Anew University in Naples, Florida. Our courses are laying the foundation for the Behavioral Studies Department. You will see a gradual re-branding of some aspects […]

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