Help Us Plan Your 2015 Event – SURVEY

So far we have received VERY interesting results indeed, from the survey we sent out this past Friday. If you have not yet responded, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO DO SO NOW.

Over 50% of the respondents plan on attending the 2015 Barefoot Mastermind!

But this presents a problem, a good problem, but nevertheless a problem! Since we are planning a smaller more intimate event, we may not have a seat for everyone, particularly since we are allowing each participant to bring 1 guest, either their spouse or team member (VA) for only $94 additional.

2015 Barefoot Mastermind

7th Annual Christian Coaching and Counseling Advance (aka Retreat)

will be held September 17, 18 and 19, 2015

at the 4.5 Star Westin Cape Coral Resort in Cape Coral, Florida.

Why will this year’s event be smaller? Due to Rev. Evan's heart-health concerns, we don’t want him to overdo his involvement. Since "Dr. Do" as some lovingly call him, has a tendency to OVER-DO his physical involvement with equipment and logistics, we just don’t want to present an opportunity for this to happen.

However, this does not mean it will be any less powerful, any less informative and any less fun! IN FACT, we are developing extraordinary programming for this year!

We are making a deliberate shift in the way we will do things to make this event highly personalized and special for you.

Event registration will open soon and since we don’t want you to miss out, you need to register immediately. Do to all the interest this year, we could sell out the very first day!

While we work on finalizing the programming, we still want your input. Your feedback will help us make this event more helpful and memorable than ever before.

The survey will take only 5 minutes and it will be live for just a few days, so please share your thoughts with us now.

Respond to the survey at

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