Good Friday Message 2016
In anticipation of Easter, the importance of Good Friday is sometimes overlooked. I must confess, I am guilty of that myself as I focus on the Easter holiday, one of the holiest days of our year.
Why is Good Friday significant to the believer?
Friday brings the beginning of change.
Good Friday reminds us that once we have been to the Cross, truly been there … everything changes. We have been forgiven all our sins, not by our own works and being good, but because Jesus said to you and me, “I love you so much I will give anything to save you.”
This means we will live with Him in eternity. Once we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we know our future with certainty.
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.”
John 15:13
We don’t have to live perfect lives or struggle and fight for our salvation. Jesus already paid the ultimate price.
If a believer lives held back from their calling by guilt and condemnation over their past, they may indeed know they are forgiven, but they may be unwilling to extend forgiveness to themselves.
How many of us mentally beat ourselves up over things we have done in the past? A lot of us, I believe. Since all of us have fallen short, anyone can become vulnerable to looking back. As much as we may want to serve the Lord, we can only move in the direction of our focus. So if we are focused on mistakes in the past, we can’t ever completely fulfill God’s plan for us.
But we are forgiven. What happened at the cross wiped clean our past. It cast our sin away from us, as far as east is from west.
Since God has forgiven us and no longer remembers our sin, who are we to drag it around and be held back by its weight?
Easter is indeed about the resurrection. But first, it’s about the Cross.
Dear Heavenly Father. Search my heart. Is there any unforgiveness for myself or my past? Please help me forgive myself as you first forgave me. Give me peace about it so that it never again holds me back. I know you have a great plan for my life and I am ready now to be used in whatever humble task you have for me. Lord I ask you to send me. I am ready now. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
© 2016 Leelo Bush, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
Leelo Bush, PhD
“Leelo Bush, PhD is recognized globally as a Christian Coach training curriculum creator, speaker, host of the Reach Higher Show ( and innovator as well as a marketplace ministry and business training expert.
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