Crazy Emails And Desperate Seeker
After almost 13 years in this industry, I have to admit we get some pretty crazy emails here on occasion. When an unusual one turns up, we have to discern whether it's real, a joke or even dangerous.
... Not long ago, I received an email message from a man who threatened me that he would “tell God on me” if I did not give him the Master (MCLC) Christian coach training free of charge and house him, his wife and 6 kids in our spare bedroom. Ok, I get that this was not a serious request. (I hope!)
But a few days ago, we received another email that was brought to my attention. This one was from a desperate woman whose home-church-based life coach had turned her away.
My first instinct was to question the wisdom of sending someone away, who seemed so eager to change things in her life. But as I read the rest of her message I began to see why this might have happened.
Below you will find her email (with name and location details changed to protect her identity) and below that, my response. In this case, I did not have a referral to offer, so I gave her the best advice I knew to give.
I would love to hear from you in the comments below, whether you have ever encountered a similar situation and how you responded.
(And if the author of this email is reading this post, I thank you for reaching out and giving us an opportunity to assist you as well as setting the stage for a learning opportunity.)
Dear Dr. Bush,
I live in Toronto, ON and I am in need of a Christian coach who believes God is Who HE says HE is and can do what HE says HE can do and one who is led by the Holy Spirit, so they can come along side me with the Holy Spirit to journey through the mess of my life to freedom in Christ Jesus.
The one I had at my (name deleted) church, refused me. I need help to get God-order in my personal life so I can be released into ministry. I am unemployed, in debt, need breakthrough in every area and every level of my life.
Too much to ask? Not with God! So what do you think?
Ginny Wilson
1:32 pm ON, Canada time
-------------------MY REPLY BELOW -------------------
Hi Ginny,
Thank you for your message. I admire your faith, desire and drive to make the changes you need in order to enter ministry.
This academy agrees that God is certainly able to do more than anyone can hope or imagine. Our school trains coaches and counselors, however does not provide services.
Based on your own description of your circumstances, it does not appear that coaching is the best solution for you at this time. The coach at your church may be correct in their assessment, although without full knowledge of this situation, we are not able to say with certainty.
It is always preferable that a coach or other professional not perform services when they do not possess the needed skills or resources to do so.
So that you better understand what coaches do, they work with those who are already healthy and functioning well, to help them find and fulfill their God-given vision. Counselors on the other hand, work with those in need of some type of restoration, deliverance or healing.
Since you are in a major metropolitan area, there should be government social services near you that may be able to assist you in gaining employment to create more stability for yourself. Then I suggest you seek out other ministries or counselors who work with helping women get their life back on track. You may have to knock on quite a few doors to find just the right one, but there is help available. Ask at other churches as well, to see if they know of anyone who does what you need.
We are praying for you and your needs, Ginny. God will meet you where you are, restore you ... and one day your mess will become your message as you help others.
Love and blessings,
Dr. Bush
Beautiful Life International LLC
Florida, USA
Now it's your turn. Please tell me if you have come upon anything similar and what you did. Let's discuss how best to handle these situations.