Truth About Lies Fear Tells Us – PART 1
Today I am going to give you some of the BEST advice I know and live by, as well as share some expert tips from others. I truly believe that any and all of us can succumb to the lies fear tells us. No one is safe. Yes, even trained coaches and counselors are vulnerable. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series in which I will give you the truth about lies fear tells us, so that we can recognize them for what they are, and dispel them quickly.
Over the past, nearly 13 years that I have been training Christian life coaches and counselors, there has been one obstacle that for some has remained insurmountable. I have seen graduates with a huge call on their lives, fail to take action. Others procrastinated, hoping the opportunity God gives them, will be there forever. Will it? Usually not.
Some of those who try to be very aware to every little nuance of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, believe the moment they feel hesitation or fear, it means God is telling them to reverse their course.
If any of this sounds familiar, this article is for you. Hopefully it will help you move forward fearlessly, getting more accomplished each day.
Fear is an important emotion that can keep us safe from danger when it triggers the fight or flee instinct our ancestors relied on for their daily survival. But today, we are rarely reacting to mortal danger, rather to the challenges of everyday life. And when life gets stressful, we misinterpret the impulse and react, rather than consciously responding to reality.
Your solutions begin on the inside. Until you can overcome the challenges inside you with fear that causes negative self-talk, you won’t be able to overcome the outer ones, like actually making things happen. So this is something every one of us must address.
Fearful thoughts lead to feelings of alarm/fear, which lead to a desire to recoil or reverse direction, which lead to quitting or not even starting.
God’s word tells us that it rains on both the righteous and unrighteous, so no one is immune to the daily “stuff” that happens. But understanding the truth about fear and its deceptions will help us avoid being derailed by these feelings.
God knew we would have fear so He inspired the writers of
Scripture to remind us again and again ...
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen
you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
~ Isaiah 41:10
Below are some of the lies the enemy tells us when we consider taking on a new challenge, perhaps opening a practice, meeting with a client, considering a project or joint-venture, writing a book, etc. Do any of them look familiar?
1. I can’t start because I don’t know where to begin. TRUTH: Begin anywhere and the sequence becomes a very logical conclusion for what comes next or what should have come before.
2. I don’t feel ready. TRUTH: You will never feel completely ready, so move forward anyway.
3. What if the past repeats itself and I mess up again? TRUTH: It won’t because you are wiser and stronger now. You learned from the past.
"Fears are nothing more than a state of mind."
~ Napoleon Hill
4. I’m not an expert. TRUTH: No one ever gets crowned “expert”. You only need to be one step ahead of those you help.
5. Judgement: I don’t want to be laughed at or considered crazy. TRUTH: Those who are leaders are sometimes misunderstood. This has happened to all the greats in history of mankind. Consider yourself in VERY good company.
6. I don’t have funding. TRUTH: There are many ways to accomplish your goals and you may well discover that you don’t need funding but are able to bootstrap your project. (This is something I am really, really good at. I have rarely been funded and when I was, I took someone’s $600 investment into me and turned it into $250K in 4 years. Get creative. There is ALWAYS a way if God has ordained it.
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for
today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers
of hell can separate us from God’s love.
~ Romans 8:38 NLT
7. I don’t have people around me who believe in me. TRUTH: You don’t need people to believe in you. You only need God and you already have Him. So get on the same page with God, and you are golden.
Read PART 2 (even better!) of this series entitled the Truth About Lies Fear Tells Us at
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“Leelo Bush, PhD is recognized globally as a Christian Coach training curriculum creator, speaker, host of the Reach Higher Show ( and innovator as well as a marketplace ministry and business training expert.
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